Friday, November 14, 2003

World Bank initiative to combat AIDs:
'Anti-Aids corridor' for west Africa

Travellers infected by HIV-positive sex workers can spread the disease
Long-distance drivers and sex workers who operate along a busy route from Abidjan to Lagos are being targeted in a new project funded by the World Bank.
Education and services designed to stop the spread of HIV and Aids will be established along the transport corridor which is used by up to three million people a year.

The World Bank approved a $16.6m grant to fund the project on Thursday, marking the first time it has backed a cross-border HIV/Aids initiative in Africa.
But sex workers are far more likely to be infected, with rates as high as 85.4% in Cotonou in Benin and 74% in Accra, Ghana's capital city, the organisation says.

Anti-Aids Corridor

Another reason to avoid West Africa.

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